Mystics Musings Series – How to deal with family or friends who are making the path very difficult?

Seeker: If I am on the spiritual path, how do I deal with family members or friends who are making it very difficult? There seems to be a fine line between comforting them and telling them to grow up or just open their eyes, and banging them on the head. How can I deal with a situation like this? They’re not in total acceptance even though they say they are, and they continue to demand too much out of me. 

Sadhguru: Everyone has to handle the reality according to their choices. For whatever you may choose, there is a consequence. Don’t be in a fool’s paradise and believe that you can get away without paying a price. For everything, there’s a price. The spiritual path is never in anybody’s way. It’s just your choices about where you go, what you do, how much time you spend here or there that cause the conflict or the disturbance. This is not new; it has always been so, whether you’re going to a party or the cinema. Someone in your family wants to go to the mountain; you want to go to the beach. The same problem will be there, isn’t it? So it’s not about your spiritual path, it’s just incompatibility…

How to Work with the Five Elements of Life?

Sadhguru: Before you attempt anything that is considered as a mystical process, it is very important to stabilize the five fundamental elements within you.

These are known as Pancha Bhutas or maha tatwas in the yogic science. The body, the very earth, the universe, and the cosmos, all are just a play of five elements. The body’s composition is such that most of it is water. Then there is earth, air, fire, and the rest is akash or etheric space.

Each of these five elements has its own individual nature, and all of them are capable of absorbing and retaining information. How these five elements behave within you determines just about everything.

Cooking up the Cosmos with Just Five Ingredients – Pancha Bhutas

Over 15,000 years ago, Adiyogi spoke about the five elements or the “pancha bhutas.” He pointed out for his first seven disciples that the whole universe is just a play of five elements, and in what proportion it plays within our body and how, if one can gain mastery over these, in a way you have mastery over the creation. By having even an element of mastery over the creation, you have a very direct access to that which is the source of creation.

Of Mystics and Mistakes Series – Breaking The Bubble – Sadhguru on Moon and Mysticism

Questioner: I have heard of the moon being symbolically invoked in mystical literature, but is there any real connection between the moon and mysticism?

Sadhguru: The moon and mysticism are deeply linked. Should we wait for the moon to come out before we talk about it? But it does not matter whether you see it or not; it is there, anyway! It hasn’t gone.

There were two morons. One of them said, “For a vacation let’s go to the sun.” The other said, “Maybe it will be too hot out there.” But this one said, “Oh, we’ll go at night!” (Laughter) Just because your perception is limited, nothing has changed. Even on a new moon day the moon is still on, isn’t it? Actually, the influence and impact of the moon is much stronger on the day when you cannot see it than on the day you can.

Of Mystics and Mistakes Series – Breaking The Bubble – Sadhguru On Bliss

Questioner: You say that when a person is blissful, he becomes more malleable, more free, less burdened by individuality. What exactly is this bliss? Can you describe true bliss, Sadhguru?

Sadhguru: (Laughs) How can I tell you? This question may actually spring from a certain misunderstanding about the nature of bliss. See, today even psychedelic drugs are being named “Bliss.” If you say “bliss” in the West, they will think you are talking about a particular tablet, a particular drug.

Of Mystic and Mistakes Series – Sadhguru on Feminine Energy

Questioner: How important is Linga Bhairavi, a goddess energy, to our planet today?

Sadhguru: See, the worship of the feminine was prevalent right across the planet at one time. But unfortunately, a certain very ambitious approach to religion, as with everything else, became the mode. When conquest became the mode, people burnt the feminine out of the planet. We made it like this that the masculine is the only way to be successful, and we have compelled even women to be very masculine today in their attitude, approach and emotion. We have made everybody believe that conquest is the only way to success.

Three Things to Remember -A Life-Changing Exercise

The following is an excerpt from a darshan with Sadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, on 29 January 2014.

Questioner: Namaskaram Sadhguru. I am training to become an Ishanga teacher. What does it mean to be an Ishanga, and what do you expect from us?

Sadhguru: The word Isha means “that which is the basis of everything.” Nothingness is the basis of everything. If you look at the world as various reverberations, then silence is the basis of everything.

Angry with Someone? – Sadhguru on Anger (Mystic Musings Series)

Seeker: Does being angry with somebody in my life and being angry with you at times – I mean, I do get angry – is it any different, Sadhguru?

Sadhguru: Being angry with me is a very bad karma; get this straight! (Laughs).

Seeker: And why so?

Sadhguru: See, the question of being angry with somebody does not arise. You are not angry with anybody, you are just angry. Your anger has nothing to do with somebody else. It’s about you. Whether you are angry at a rock, God, your Guru, or whatever – anger is simply anger. It has got nothing to do with anybody or anything. You need to understand this first: your anger has nothing to do it hits your face, then it is a different kind of karma, a karma of negligence, not a karma of anger or something else.